Greetings Dear Brothers and Sisters in Sweet Lord Jesus Christ.

I know most of you might have experienced this great feeling of joy when you realize that the greatest God, the mighty Lord, the creator of heaven and Earth speaking to you. I have been to a lot of prayer meetings and heard a lot of people giving testimonies of how they felt Father’s touch of healing or inner peace or heard the Loving Lord speak. I always used to wonder when or how I could hear my Father.

I used to always pray earnestly for some relationship with the Father. Ever so recently after becoming part of this wonderful community of Renewed in Christ and enjoying the weekly gathering where I could see and sense joy of unbound proportions, I knew soon, very soon, I will start hearing, seeing and feeling the touch of my Father. I have tried hard to lead a prayerful pious life and lean away from sin, but not a day went about where I could lead a sinless life. I started getting really upset and that’s when I slowly started hearing the Lord. The Father was always there speaking to me and there were two things I had to do, to listen to this Gentle Fathers whisper. Firstly rebuke Satan’s lies that the Father did not love me and would never speak to a sinner like me. Would it not break my heart, if my son Jose did not call me Daddy?, or speak to me and I did not have a conversation with him even at times when his cuteness would drive me crazy. Secondly, learn that He always is speaking through His word and only by reading His word can you let Him speak to you. Off late it gives me goose bumps when I hear Him speak through His words. Every time I hear a response back, there is this burning feeling and I know it is my Father speaking. I know I was not worthy of His communication, but that’s the Love of a Father. He sent His only son and with Our Sweetest Lord Jesus body and blood in the daily mass we are cleansed. Now no lie can separate us from having a relationship with this beautiful Daddy. My heart now goes out to all brothers and Sisters to enjoy this great joy. The feeling of a Father sitting right besides us and having a conversation with us.

Infant Gerald
Bothell, USA