I would like to testify a quick miracle that we experienced last Sunday, it could be very childish but I believe that is what Christ is calling for – childlike faith.

After the 7:30 AM mass last Sunday @ St. Louise, my car did not start, the battery was dying. It was pretty damp and cold in the morning – no way of warming up the battery. We were pretty much stuck and was wondering what to do next, even contemplated to walk back home. We were all upset that it is happening on my wife’s b’day, since we had plans for the day.

With flash of thought / divine guidance I decided to say a prayer – this is very very unusual of me. And I asked my daughter to pray – mentioning – kids prayer are heard more than adults prayer. My daughter in her own words, said a sweet little prayer, we all prayed together. What happened next blew us of.

It happened like in a snap second after the prayer. One of the family (member) who was there for the mass had noticed us struggling with the car. Teenage girl (from family consisting of mother and 2 daughters) knocked at our window and asked if we need help, we were blown.

We accepted the help, they had battery powered jump start kit, which started my car just like that.

What added to the surprise was the way they noticed us and offered help

  • Teenage daughter noticed us struggling in the parking lot (but very unsure) went on to pray to the Grotto near the school gym. Then asked her mother if she should check with us (I believe this is when we were praying) and decided to check with us.
  • Secondly, on the starter kit they had —> Their car had stuck thrice in the recent past, so they had bought this kit as back up, but they have not used even once since then. They were using it for the first time with us, they did not even know how to use it, but they had kept fully charged and ready for use. They mentioned that they were wondering why they had been carrying it around without any use for a while…..looks like it was bought for us.

We got the car started and was back home much sooner and easier than we thought…. changed the battery later in the day and now testifying my God’s love, kindness and mercy.

As like any miraculous experience, I may not be able to spell out every intricacies, but the way things unfolded thoroughly convinced us it is a miracle and not a coincidence.

I tried to be succinct, but that would not do justice to the kindness God showed to us.

Thanks and Praise to God!
