I was at the ‘Healed by His wounds’ Lenten retreat yesterday when God reminded me of the amazing healing that happened to me during my one week retreat at Potta, in 2009.

Since my teenage years, I have had recurring Bladder infections, and have been treated with antibiotics my entire life. In 2004, during one of those regular episodes, my infection never got better even after the antibiotics. After months of treatment, I was told that the overuse of antibiotics has caused a systemic yeast problem where my body was not responding to any treatment. For 5 years, I suffered from a chronic condition and went from one specialist doctor to the next, with no conclusive diagnosis or treatment. I went to a Urologist, a Gynecologist, a GI specialist, a Psychiatrist :-), an allergy specialist, a naturopath and a therapist. I had to be on a very strict diet and there were a lot of foods that I could not eat, and this was going to be a chronic life-long condition.

It was also during this time, that I had heard about the Potta divine retreat center. I went for a week long retreat with my teenage son. When I entered the retreat center, I just prayed this simple prayer…Lord, I cannot expect special meals to be cooked here to match my special dietary needs. I am going to eat what they serve here, and I will leave the rest to you. After two days of the retreat, I got a severe stomach bug and became very seriously ill, that they had to admit me at the hospital and run a series of tests and treatments. The doctor at the retreat center hospital said these words to me – “God chose to bring you here for a reason, it was not your choice. There will be no Easter without a Good Friday. This is your Good Friday”.

When I woke up the next morning I felt like a completely new person. I was healed and have never had any more symptoms to this day,

Thank you Jesus for healing me. All Glory and Praise to our Lord Jesus Christ!
