My husband and I had been married for 4 years, and were 2 years into trying to have a baby. We were at a point when we knew we had to get medical help. There were several treatment options discussed and I had already been through several rounds of medication. I was feeling worthless and dejected in not being able to have a child – when we became part of the ‘Renewed in Christ Catholic Charismatic Community′, or RIC4, prayer group. Being part of this prayer group, was the Lord’s way of telling me that He has a perfect plan for me, and that I was perfect in the Lord’s eyes. Now, being part of the prayer group also provided me with fellowship and a community – and on talking to other women who were part of the prayer group – I came to know there were 3 other ladies going through the same process – of trying to have a baby – but not being successful with it. We each started holding each other in our prayers.

One day, when I was reading the Word of God, I read the following promise from Psalms 113:9 –
“He makes the barren woman abide in the house
As a joyful mother of children.
Praise the Lord!”

I claimed this promise upon me and on my friends and used these words as my prayer. The Lord is great and He is the giver of life: life in abundance, because He blessed not only me with a child, but all the women who were praying were blessed at the same time. We are all mothers through the grace of God, and as the scripture verse said ‘children’, I am now a mother of two wonderful boys. Praise the Lord for His mercy, for He has looked upon me with favor and blessed me abundantly! All glory to God – who is the source of all goodness!
